Category Archives: Whatever


Can something be awesome and creepy at the same time? I guess so.

It’s the Monster!!!

This is the latest Best Thing Ever. Since Halloween is nigh, here’s a dub by StSanders of Iron Maiden. Who is StSanders? This is StSanders; and here are more dubs he’s made. All of them are made of win. Happy Halloween, everyone! (Thanks to Coulton for turning us on to these.)

Star Wars Trumpet

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Fans in Aqaba?

Thanks to our friend/SuperTrooper Lena for pointing out a curiosity on the Aqaba Ports Corporation’s netterweb page. Navigate to the FAQ and look for the following question: Does Aqaba offer any entertainment choices or recreational for ships crews? After reading the answer, go ahead and try to tell us they haven’t heard "The Captain’s Wife’s […]

New York City?!?!

So after our last e-mail featuring upcoming gigs, quite a number of you wrote us in tones ranging from surprised to indignant to surprised indignation that we do not currently have a date scheduled for New York City. What do we have against NYC, you collectively ask? Aren’t our yummy pizza and bagels enough to […]

Road Trip Video

People often ask what it’s like traveling across the country as part of a hip rock rock band. We can’t really answer that, but we can show you what The Road is like for us. For one day of a recent road trip (along with Jonathan Coulton), we broke out the digital camera and took […]

Man, Those Are Some Big Unners

A belated thank-you to the fine folks in Edwards, NY for the show at Edwards Opera House a couple Saturdays ago. Not only did they represent in record numbers (for a Paul & Storm show–big ups to Bob & Tom affiliate 101.5 The Fox for getting the word out), and not only did they feed […]


So we’ve been spending a lot of time lately with our friend and tour-buddy Jonathan Coulton. And we’ve been spending a lot of time on the NetterWebs laughing at LOLcats lately as well. (Yes, we know the LOLcats thing is played out already, but give us a break, we’re old) So it was really inevitable […]

Wanted: Dayton Show Photos

So we can’t tell you why (yet), but we need photos from our Dayton show last Saturday with Jonathan Coulton. And though we can’t offer you anything tangible in return, you will be entitled to some mighty rarified bragging rights. Photos can be from the performance itself, before, and/or after. And they don’t even have […]

Paul Gots a New Dawg

After years of siege, Paul’s wife and daughters have finally broken down his resistance, and he now has a new lab puppy named Joey. (click on a picture for the larger version) All together now: "Aaaaaaawwwwwwwww…!" Not to be left out, here are the old and busted original Sabourin dog, Lisa; and Storm’s cats, Reinhold […]