Regarding the “Shadow War!” Debacle

shadow war

UPDATE 4/4/13: In addition to being available on this site, the Shadow War! songs are now available on iTunes, and various other online media outlets. Remember: all proceeds in April go to charity!


No sense denying it at this point, so here is the unvarnished truth about the situation: yes, we were brought in to help John Scalzi develop a broadway musical based on his Shadow War of the Night Dragons book. Yes, we wrote a good deal of music for it and recorded some demos (with the generous help of our friend Mike Phirman) Yes, it was a complete debacle that ended ugly. No, it was not our fault.

Thank you,, for ignoring all prior agreements (and common decency) and sweeping all the dirt out from under the rug. No amount of damage control, however, can put the genie back in the bottle, or prevent it from defecating all over the netterwebs, though Scalzi himself has tried. And thank you, certain so-called “friends,” for greedily picking up our table scraps as soon as we’d left the metaphorical table.

To be clear:  Tor had the temerity to release private recordings of a Skype conference call between Scalzi and ourselves. (We were reviewing the first round of demo recordings, which we had just sent to John) And seeing as Scalzi was the ONLY person with that recording, we have to believe that he was complicit, despite any protestations to the contrary, in the release of the audio. Here is the Skype recording in question:


Well, two can play at the “spiteful leaking” game, Messrs. Scalzi and Tor…

In thanks to Scalzi for wasting our time and to Tor for spilling the beans and making us look like fools—but mostly because we STILL HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR CHECK YET—we are releasing our Shadow War! demos for public purchase.

But to show that we are truly the bigger men here, we’re donating all proceeds from the sale of the songs during the month of April to the following charities:

So, John Scalzi and Tor, we triple-dog dare you to try and prevent us from selling these demos (which we rightfully own). Show everyone just how much you hate music and education and children!

We are sorry that things ended this way—though, in hindsight, we probably should not have been surprised. But we hope at least some good can come out of this terrible situation.

A final word for Scalzi and Tor: for the eventual musical we write based on Pat Rothfuss’ Kingkiller series—a project that we are not saying exists, but are not denying exists either—if you hear some familiar melodies, you can comfort yourself in the knowledge that they could have been yours, if only you weren’t such a paranoid, controlling douchebag. So consider that as you tuck into your turkey pot pie.


  1. Dave
    Posted April 1, 2013 at 3:14 pm | Permalink

    OK, I admit it, you guys had me going for a minute there…

  2. Posted April 1, 2013 at 3:25 pm | Permalink

    You got me GOOD…..thanks to the comment from Dave with the datestamp next to it or I’d be doing my minion duty and writing some really passive-aggressive tweets to Scalzi!

  3. BJS
    Posted April 2, 2013 at 12:03 am | Permalink

    Please tell me that ‘Johnny Tor’ is a bright orange long shag monster in a nice clean double breasted button down suit, with a cigar permanently attached to it’s lower lip.

  4. Posted April 2, 2013 at 2:46 am | Permalink

    This is amazing. I bought it after listening to the first 8 seconds. “I killed a hobo with a hammer…”

  5. Leopold S.
    Posted April 2, 2013 at 4:16 pm | Permalink

    Just to be clear, I took no pay for playing triangle in the backup tracks. To be super duper clear, my contract was for a back end deal of “per ding” performance and not “per song.” A dollar a ding, boyz. Cough it.

  6. Leopold S.
    Posted April 2, 2013 at 4:16 pm | Permalink

    Just to be clear, I took no pay for playing triangle in the backup tracks. To be super duper clear, my contract was for a back end deal of “per ding” performance and not “per song.” A dollar a ding, boyz. Cough it.

  7. Leopold S.
    Posted April 2, 2013 at 4:20 pm | Permalink

    So I hope I was clear. Didn’t mean to repost. Just going for crystal, coriscant clarity here. BTW, Crystal Coriscant was my Max Rebo Band stage name.

  8. Brett Glass
    Posted April 5, 2013 at 8:22 pm | Permalink

    So, you dinged Paul and Storm for each ding?

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