AZ Show Venue Change

Just a reminder: our show tonight in AZ is no longer at the Martini Ranch, but has been moved to Madcap Theatres in Tempe, AZ. All tickets purchased for the Martini Ranch show will be honored. Full details here.

See you tonight, Desert People!


  1. Luke
    Posted February 18, 2010 at 10:02 pm | Permalink

    Those Sand People walk like men, but they’re vicious, mindless monsters.

  2. Geck0
    Posted February 19, 2010 at 9:48 am | Permalink

    Great show guys! For future reference “Mulcaly Culkin Rape Joke” is my Micheal Jackson cover band. 🙂

  3. Posted February 19, 2010 at 6:53 pm | Permalink

    Thanks for the great show last night, guys! 🙂 Hilarious as always.

  4. Posted February 20, 2010 at 3:51 pm | Permalink

    Go Paul and Storm go,

    That was a win.

    Ty and haste ye back to the what appears to be an unexpected haven of pirates.

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