This Page is *Totally* Secret!

Welcome to the Super-Secret Untitled Paul and Storm Web Series Musical Project Pitch Video Page!

Still trying to figure out a way to make it actually display the footage right here on this page; but in the meantime, you can click to pop it up in a new window, or do the whole “right-click-to-download” thing.

Here’s the rough cut with the original demo music:

And for shits and giggles, here’s an extremely rough mix of the re-orchestrated version (there’s still some instrument tweaks to be made, and the whole thing needs “actual” mixing; but you can get an idea of what the final product will sound like):

A better mix of the re-orchestration should be up tomorrow (Tuesday) sometime, and a completed re-orchestration should be done by the end of the week. Peek back here every so often, and see what’s new.

Yay us!

(It goes without saying, please don’t share this link with anyone)