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This song could be in a commercial
It’s simple and acoustic, so it’s utterly non-threatening
And it’s pretty and sincere and there’s not too many words
You can talk about insurance or a car
In all the spaces inbetween
This song should be in a commercial
Or a montage in a movie where a young couple starts to fall in love
Or the credits of an independent film
We are looking for exposure, so please call
And we’ll hammer out a deal
Aaaaaaah, Aaaaaaaah, Aaaaaaah, Aaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaah, Aaaaaaaah, Aaaaaaah, Aaaa aaaah
This song is gonna be in a commercial
Aaaaaaah, Aaaaaaaah, Aaaaaaah, Aaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaah, Aaaaaaaah, Aaaaaaah, Aaaa aaaah