Holiday Greetings from Jabba the Hutt (Solo Koga Tee-Tocky)

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Solo koga tee-tocky [alone bed-time]
Grandio koga tee-tocky [glorious bed-time]
Chuba azulus [it’s not dangerous]
Chone soong flootah [and it’s fresh]

Stuka sa chik youngee [see the young girl]
Cheeka an bukee [woman and boy]
Grandio peedunkee [glorious boy]
Hees waffmula [he’s cake]

Hunka be hunka be winkee [nap time, nap time, sleep]
Hunka be foonta winkee [nap time, satisfactory sleep]

Yuna puna dogu! [first-rate song!]
Kong ganta miku! [bring food now!]
Ganta bala…ayba…aygo…Ewok [bring meat…chicken…dog…Ewok]