Bad Advice Comix will be back, but in the meantime pull up a chair and prepare to receive wisdom.
THE DISCLAIMER: I’m not an expert of any kind, I cannot vouch for the efficacy or legality of my advice, and as a blanket statement recommend that no one should follow it, ever. It is bad advice. I will also not be held accountable if any of my advice is found to be thought-provoking, or if any portion therein could be deemed to be, by a deranged mind, constructive.
Hiya Storm,
My question deals with colleges yayy! Since I am pretty sure I want to be in Virgina/DC/Pennsylvania area, since I want to major in history. Would you happen to know about the colleges in Virginia? Like which ones are pretty good, etc and any advice about colleges would be awesome ( picking / applying to them ). I would be applying from out of state (CA)
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My brain am still kinda broke-down and glum, so today I’m giving away a MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS IDEA!* I’m practically making money just by thinking about it. Why is it so valuable?
- It doesn’t require a lot of retail space
- Its appeal is as novel as it is practical
- Startup costs are low
- It involves soup
That’s right, Soup On Tap is just what it sounds like: a storefront quick-serve soup joint where the meals are served through a modified beer tap. Read More »
Y’all seemed to enjoy the first one, so here we go again! (“We” meaning yours truly and artist/illustrator Len Peralta (Geek-A-Week, Monster By Mail)). The comic below is in response to a real person who wrote me looking for really bad advice.
I’m not an expert of any kind, I cannot vouch for the efficacy or legality of my advice, and as a blanket statement recommend that no one should follow it, ever. It is bad advice. I will also not be held accountable if any of my advice is found to be thought-provoking, or if any portion therein could be deemed to be, by a deranged mind, constructive.

Would YOU like some bad advice? From ME? I hope so, because my stock of questions is running low. Simply send an e-mail to (or if that still isn’t working,, and please put the words “bad advice” in the Subject line so that I can tell it apart from all of the space junk. But before asking, visit
this post for complete details, disclaimers, and other caveats. NOTE: some questions will receive written answers, some will be made into comix, and others might not be answered at all. Just depends on what I eat for breakfast on any given day.
BY REQUEST…if you cannot see Len’s terrific illustration, I’ve included the text and description I sent to Len below, which will give you a pretty good idea of what’s going on. Click on the “More” for…more. If that doesn’t help, I’ll try to think of something else.
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April 28, 2011 – 10:33 am
Yes, the last “Storm Will Give You Bad Advice” was only two posts ago. B-but…this one is a COMIC, illustrated by none other than Len Peralta of Geek-A-Week, Monster By Mail, and too many other projects to mention. You can imagine how busy he is, but if y’all like it, we’ll make more. And even though I’m providing my advice in comix form, the usual disclaimer still applies:
I’m not an expert of any kind, I cannot vouch for the efficacy or legality of my advice, and as a blanket statement recommend that no one should follow it, ever. It is bad advice. I will also not be held accountable if any of my advice is found to be thought-provoking, or if any portion therein could be deemed to be, by a deranged mind, constructive.
Would YOU like some bad advice? From ME? Simply send an e-mail to, and please put the words “bad advice” in the Subject line so that I can tell it apart from all of the space junk. But before asking, visit this post for complete details, disclaimers, and other caveats. Because it’s the right thing to do. NOTE: some questions will receive written answers, some will be made into comix, and others might not be answered at all. It’s the muse’s call.
April 22, 2011 – 11:10 pm
Love, love, love! This week everyone’s* trying to untangle Cupid’s spaghetti knot, and apparently bad advice is what people really want when it comes to matters de l’amour. Very well.
THE DISCLAIMER: I’m not an expert of any kind, I cannot vouch for the efficacy or legality of my advice, and as a blanket statement recommend that no one should follow it, ever. It is bad advice. I will also not be held accountable if any of my advice is found to be thought-provoking, or if any portion therein could be deemed to be, by a deranged mind, constructive.
Dear Storm,
I’m stuck between the possibility of money and the possibility of love. Many of the fun opportunities in my field are far from where I live. Normally I’d move in a New York minute, but my (not necessarily mutual) romantic interest lives in a familiar city much nearer to me. Which should I pursue, money or love?
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Without even tweeting or fb-ing, I’ve already received a nice number of serious and well-conceived questions that deserve equally serious consideration. However, they chose to ask me, despite being fully aware that I intend to provide bad advice. The first handful are below.
Remember, I’m not an expert of any kind, I cannot vouch for the efficacy or legality of my advice, and as a blanket statement recommend that no one should follow it, ever. It is bad advice.
I will also not be held accountable if any of my advice is found to be thought-provoking, or if any portion therein could be deemed to be, by a deranged mind, constructive.
So let’s hop to it!
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EDIT: Archive of Bad Advice posts up here; original post is below
Bad Advice Comix #1: What to do if all your friends have boyfriends, and you do not.
Bad Advice #0002: Love or Money? Food for Picky Eaters? Advice for Moving In Together?
Bad Advice #0001: Losing Weight; Explaining Why You Have No Kids; Quit a Well-Paying Job Because You Don’t Like It AT ALL.
Instead of rushing a way-awesome cool-ever project out the door (like I kinda did with the
Geek/Nerd Universe Spectrum), I’m going to refine the one I’ve been working on over the weekend, to present on Monday.
IN THE MEANTIME…I’d like to attempt a new feature on Longer Thoughts designed to get you to come up with interesting ideas for me be interesting, humorous, though-provoking, and maybe even useful.
But I need YOUR HELP. The idea behind “Storm Will Give You Bad Advice” is exactly as what it sounds like: you, dear reader, can write to me with a real problem you’re dealing with, large or small, and I will give you half-assed recommendations, pontifications, or vague musings on how to solve or live with it. Some examples from off the top of my head: do I really have to brush my teeth twice a day? Should I buy an iguana (if you really are considering buying an iguana)? Where’s the best place to dispose of a body (if you really do need to dispose of a body)? Etc., etc., etc.
- I will not in any way guarantee the usefulness or accuracy my advice, but can assure you that I will consider your query seriously, and run it through the same overly-analytical process as everything else that enters my brain.
- I will ignore most “joke” queries, because I think that the more real a problem is, the better the advice output will be. And as someone who’s made his way through life via pure bullshit alone, trust me, I’ll be able to tell if it ain’t real.
- I will also not guarantee that I will answer your question, especially if I get a Star Destroyer’s worth of queries, and the length of my bad advice may range from a single sentence to a short story, depending on what it does to my brain.
- I AM NOT TRAINED AS A PSYCHOLOGIST, COUNSELOR, OR EXPERT OF ANY SORT. I am just plain ol’ Storm, and as the title of the feature makes clear, I intend to and most likely will give you bad advice that you should not act upon. Hopefully thought-provoking and/or humorous, but almost certainly bad.
So if you’re ready to have your life decisions poorly serviced, send an e-mail to, and please put the words “bad advice” in the Subject line so that I can tell it apart from all of the space junk. Also note that (edits below added on April 14, 2011):
- By submitting a question, you are granting me permission to use it in any manner that I see fit, including but not limited to publication in whole or in part here on Longer Thoughts; in a comic strip; in a physical book and/or ebook; on a billboard in front of your mom’s house; etc.
- In light of the above, I do not require that you use your real name. I will only use the name that is listed immediately after your question, though I may withhold the name entirely if I deem it necessary for any reason.