Tired, Elated, and Tireder

Just a quick note to thank everyone who helped make this West Coast/Texas tour the awesome thing it was. We’ll have more detailed ramblings later (once we’ve gotten home, hugged our spouses/children/pets, and slept for about 14 hours), but we’re thrilled to have met so many new fans and friends, not to mention how the ranks of our pirate army have swelled. (The eventual showdown between pirates and zombies at an upcoming show with Coulton seems inevitable at this point) We can state for a fact that we had as much fun as you all did, if not more so. And we expect many more P&S/JoCo tours in the near and far future.

But not two-week-long tours. That part kinda sucked. Too damn long away from home. I guess it just means we’ll have to cocentrate our rocking into long weekends and such.

Lengthy plane rides tomorrow (today, technically speaking) for everyone. G’night!


  1. Heather
    Posted September 24, 2007 at 8:58 am | Permalink

    Pirate/Zombie rumble? But I’m a Zombie Pirate… Maybe I’ll have to sit that one out. Too bad, because the musical numbers promise to be killer.

  2. Posted September 24, 2007 at 12:26 pm | Permalink

    “cocentrate our rocking” – is that a deliberate JoCo-ism, or a typo? 🙂

    Either way, I am thrilled at the thought of many more P&S/JoCo tours, near and far…!

  3. Julzerator
    Posted September 24, 2007 at 1:26 pm | Permalink

    The show was awesome! Go home and rest! You deserve it after last night. 🙂

  4. Jan Bosman
    Posted September 24, 2007 at 7:29 pm | Permalink

    I feel obligated to disclaim that it was I who cried “Yarr.” at The Triple Door, instead of “Arr.” – and that you were right, it is something a southern pirate might say because I’m in fact, from the South.

    Dejected Arrr…

  5. Posted September 27, 2007 at 11:28 pm | Permalink

    I’ll be sure to bring my taser in case any ninjas show up!

    It was a delightful show (Seattle, that is. Well, I’m sure the others were also delightful, I just didn’t see any of them). I’m so glad to have been introduced to your work! Thanks again.

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