Road Trip Video

People often ask what it’s like traveling across the country as part of a hip rock rock band. We can’t really answer that, but we can show you what The Road is like for us.

For one day of a recent road trip (along with Jonathan Coulton), we broke out the digital camera and took pictures whenever it seemed appropriate–any time we thought "THIS is truly part of the road experience".  Unfortunately the camera don’t lie, folks, and it took some work to make the pictures live up to the glam-slam expectations that the public demands.

Naturally we turned to PowerPoint as the vehicle to ramp up the excitement–any platform used by motivational speakers and Fortune 100 companies should be more than capable of polishing even the most sun-bleached turds.

Of course it was only after spending a good deal of time on the project that we ran up against one of PowerPoint’s greatest limitations: super-inflated file size. And so we present to you "Road Trip–Midwest Edition: A Paul and Storm feat. Jonathan Coulton Omnimedia Netterweb Odyssey" on the YooToobs:

But for the aficionados out there who wish to savor each silky transition, cross-fade and flow chart, you’ll find the original PowerPoint package (clicky — 139 MB compressed). Just follow the instructions in the "Read This Thing" text file to make that baby jump and swing. And if you don’t have PowerPoint, you’ll need the (free) PowerPoint Viewer 2003 (clicky) to watch it.


  1. Posted August 15, 2007 at 6:23 am | Permalink

    Wow – that was one amazing PowerPoint. Like Dunder-Mifflin Amazing. Unfortunately, it doesn’t make road tripping with the three of you look any less fun.

    Anyway, thanks for the smile and I’m off to rock the coffee-maker, FLOWCHART-STYLE!


  2. noname
    Posted March 22, 2008 at 12:12 pm | Permalink

    uh.well,how come ur easter song isnt on the download list?btw nice power point! he was driving up the wall!

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